1. Print out and read the Metex Demo
Account Participation.
2. Type in all required information.
3. Sign the necessary sections.
4. Fax back the required pages to Metex at (514) 337-7435
or send by e-mail: 
System Preview:
The copies and the account application should be FAXED
to (514) 337-7435.
Please be sure to type or clearly print your e-mail address on the New
Demo Account Agreement, as this will be the medium used to contact you
following the receipt of the application. Please send funds with your
account forms. A member of the Metex staff will contact you via email
within 2 business days of receiving your account forms and funds. We
will send you ID and Password.
Metex Investments Inc.
352, rue Meloche
Montreal, P.Q.
H4N 1A6
C a n a d a
tel: 514-389-7447