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Forex Trading Robot

Taking the Emotion
out of
Currency Trading


R E F C O  /  F X C M


Metex Investments Inc. is an FX Introducer to Refco Canada Co., which is a part of the Refco Group with  operations in 14 countries around the world and an extensive institutional client base. With customer equity of approximately $4 Billion and over 250,000 customer accounts, the companies in the Refco Group are committed to providing the highest quality service to clients ranging from small individual investors to some of the largest institutions in the world.  As an FX Introducer offering its clients the RefcoFX Trading station, Metex  is able to provide constant reliability and liquidity, and the ability to enter and exit trades regardless of the size of the transaction or market conditions.

Metex Invest FX Overview

Metex Investments Inc. has developed  software, which tracks Forex currency movements and makes decisions automatically based on the market action.  A computer at the other end is doing all of the analyzing and executing, therefore taking a traders worst enemy (emotion) out of the process.

        Robot is fully automated software, it is a new proprietary software tool designed to search for Forex trading opportunities. This is the only software of its kind and is revolutionizing the Forex trading industry with its amazing results. Once the criteria is met, the trader is alerted on their PC to the trade opportunity. Robot is automatically buying/selling and executing. You can trade also manually, or let do it to the system. This robot never sleeps, never takes a vacation and never asks for a raise!

Our FX Trading Robot is unique over the world
and is the leader in automated order execution systems
for the Forex Market.

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Refco Trading Station

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